
How does an integrated UV air purification system work?

Installed parallel to the airflow inside a duct, Sanuvox UV air purification systems work in any building with a central ventilation system, whether commercial or residential, and thereby improving indoor air quality.

White ceiling vent
Blue UV light
Blue UV light

UV purification for buildings and institutional environments

Air purifiers for entire buildings, office space or rooms

If you're looking to improve indoor air quality, this product category includes UV air purifiers designed to purify the air in your home and help reduce airborne biological and chemical contaminants.

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Interior of a building

Air purifiers for odor reduction in buildings

If you're looking to reduce odors, this product category includes air purifiers that help reduce odors and improve indoor air quality in garbage rooms and other buildings where strong odors are a problem.
Our odor reduction air purifiers are sized according to the dimensions of the room to be treated.

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Man helping a woman at the computer

Air purifiers for smoke reduction in buildings

If you're looking to reduce smoke, this product category includes air purifiers that help reduce smoke particles and improve indoor air quality in buildings where smoke is a problem, whether it is due to smoking or forest fires.
Our smoke reduction air purifiers are sized according to the dimensions of the room to be treated.

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Close up of a cigarette butt

UV surface and room cleaners

If you are looking to naturally and strongly clean surfaces and rooms, this category of products consists of UV surface and room cleaners that attack mold and eliminate the need for chemicals. Our UV surface and part cleaners are used in cold rooms, production lines and clean rooms.

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Two doctors pointing at a piece of paper

Industrial HVAC Coil Cleaners

Are you are looking to prevent and help reduce mold and other microbial growth on the evaporator coil of an industrial HVAC system? This product category includes coil cleaners designed to prevent the coil from becoming a source of poor air quality and odor. It also reduces maintenance costs by keeping the system running at maximum efficiency.

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UV rays

The Benefits of Commercial UV Air Purifier System

  • No VOCs, chemicals or ozone
  • Helps reduce airborne contaminants
  • Reduces the energy consumption of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system by 15 to 20%.
  • Improves indoor air quality, which helps protect employees and reduces absenteeism
  • Safe, ecological and affordable
  • Easy to use and maintain
Sanuvox’s Benefits

Sanuvox’s Benefits

Hands clapping

Tested and proven technology

Our patented, high-end, affordable air purification systems maximize contact time with our lamps to purify air using UV technology. They have been studied and tested by agencies, laboratories and universities, and have obtained excellent results.


Learn more about UV technology and its application in everyday life!

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